Fixed Configuration

Established designs with a fixed configuration; options are available to suit different requirements for range of measurement, alarms, and outputs

Modular Configuration

Modular construction allows further customization and choices for options such as: ionization chamber size, local or remote mounting, display types, alarms, outputs, and more.  Includes high-range process monitors, glovebox monitors, and other special configurations.

Ultra Sensitive Gas Proportional

Our most sensitive tritium monitor designed for accurately measuring ultra-low levels of tritium utilizing a balanced pair of gas proportional counters.

Single-range nuclear power plant monitor, includes noble gas compensation, plate-out proof ion chambers, industrial NEMA-12 enclosure, and other features required for measuring tritium in nuclear power plant environments

Dual or quad 2L chambers, NEMA-12 wall-mount enclosure, plate-out proof ion chambers, upgraded alarm system

General purpose, cost-effective stationary tritium in air monitor
Dual 2L ion chambers, Gamma Compensated

Gas proportional detector system for measuring ultra-low levels of tritium

Sensitivity: 0.01 µCi/m3 (1 kBq/m3)

Resolution:  0.003 µCi/m3 (0.1 kBq/m3)

As Model 593 but includes a 321 dual ion chamber detector for extending the high-end measurement range and providing a faster response time

Dual measurement system with automatic solenoid valve control

Wide-range:  0.01 to 19,999 µCi/m3 (1 kBq/m3 to 1,999 MBq/m3)

Smart tritium air/stack monitor with fully integrated CPU, touch-screen display, and carbon-steel wall-mount enclosure
Optional totalizer feature automatically calculates total tritium release for stack monitoring

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