
The World’s
Best Tritium Monitors  

About Us

Since 1972, Overhoff Technology Corporation has specialized in the design and manufacturing of tritium monitors and offers a full line of tritium monitoring products, including:

Each instrument is available with a wide variety of features to meet your specific requirements and includes a calibration certificate traceable to NIST.  We offer annual tritium gas calibration and repair services at our factory and also provide tritium calibration equipment so that you can calibrate the equipment on-site. 

Overhoff Technology has gained an outstanding reputation for having tritium monitors that excel in performance, reliability, and are reasonably priced.  Our experience in producing hundreds of different types of monitors for different users allows you to benefit from the company’s design expertise and economical production methods.  Overhoff tritium monitors are used worldwide in nuclear power plants, nuclear research and pharmaceutical laboratories, military and government applications, and industrial manufacturing.

We are proud that all Overhoff Technology instruments are made in the USA under an ISO-9001:2015 quality management system.

tritium monitor

Tritium Monitoring Experts

Our sole focus has been manufacturing the best possible tritium monitoring instrumentation since 1972.


We offer full factory support for our customers including calibration, training, repair and maintenance, spare parts, and product assistance.

Calibration and Warranty

All products include a NIST traceable calibration certificate report and 1-year factory warranty.

ISO-9001 Certified

Our products are manufactured to the highest standard under a certified ISO-9001:2015 quality management system.

Tritium Monitoring Instrumentation

With over 49 years of experience, we offer the most comprehensive and reliable selection of tritium monitors available.  


Overhoff offers a wide selection of portable tritium monitors which vary in ionization detector volume, sensitivity, and response time.    

Overhoff offers both fixed and modular configuration stationary tritium monitors with a wide variety of detectors, electronics, and options to suit any application, measuring all the way from 0.01 µCi/m3               (1 kBq/m3) to pure tritium. 


Passively collect tritium (HT, HTO) and/or C-14 (CO, CO2) in our high-quality, reliable air samplers.   Includes electronic mass flow control, thermal oxidizer, elapsed time indicator, two sample collector manifolds with cascaded collection vials for HT and HTO, and an optional C-14 collection panel consisting of desiccant drying columns and a solid NaOH sample collection medium for C-14. 


Overhoff offers NIST traceable tritium gas calibration services at our factory.  

Alternatively, customers can purchase the equipment necessary to calibrate Overhoff tritium in air monitors on-site, including:


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