Tritium Gas Calibration Standard

Tritium Gas Calibration Standard

This lecture bottle contains <1mCi of tritium calibration gas and carrier gas contained in steel DOT 3E 1800 lecture bottle at a nominal pressure of 550 psig ±10% (maximum pressure 1800 psi).  Furnished with a brass shut-off valve and CGA-180 fitting.

The lecture bottle is a secondary standard prepared by filling it with a sample of tritium gas from a larger supply cylinder.  The lecture bottle is backfilled with nitrogen gas to dilute the concentration and/or increase the pressure.

The tritium concentration of the gas inside the lecture bottle is determined as compared to a primary standard traceable to NIST.  Measurements are made with a tritium in air monitor used as a reference standard.  Overhoff maintains permanent custody of the reference monitor, which is reserved solely for tritium gas calibration.  The data collected are used to assign an average concentration value to the lecture bottle.

A calibration certificate is provided.

Choice of tritium concentration: 20 or 40 µCi/L, actual concentration can vary ±20% from the nominal value.

Note: Regulations require our customers to furnish a copy of their license for radioactive materials permitting them to possess tritium gas.  Amount of radioactive material in the lecture bottle is an exempt quantity and shall not exceed 1 mCi.

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