Tritium Gas Calibrator

Tritium Gas Calibrator

The Overhoff Gas Calibrator, P/N CALG, is supplied with all the components needed to accurately calibrate your OTC tritium monitors, including: pressure regulator, piping manifold, gages, valves, metering volume, and an optional lecture bottle containing tritium calibration gas.

Calibration of a tritium monitor is performed by injecting a known quantity of tritiated gas into the tritium monitor ionization chamber of a known volume in order to fill the chamber with a calculated activity.

The Overhoff Tritium Gas Calibrator consists of:

  1. Optional cylinder containing a tritiated gas mixture at high pressure.  Shipped separately to conform with NRC requirements.
  2. A pressure regulator to reduce the cylinder pressure to a low and constant value.
  3. A metering volume of accurate dimension.
  4. A piping manifold with 2 hose connections.

All components are mounted on a flat plate for rigidity and easy of storage.

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