Fixed Configuration

Established designs with a fixed configuration, options are available to suit different requirements for measurement, alarms, and outputs.  Our most popular models include:

  • The Model 357RM is our general-purpose, continuous-duty stationary tritium in air monitor.
  • The Model 347 includes four 2L ion chambers for enhanced sensitivity, stability, and omnidirectional gamma compensation compared to the 357RM.
  • The Model Triathalon-H3 features a microprocessor and color touch-screen display, NEMA-4X wall-mount enclosure with lockable door, and an optional totalizer for stack monitoring applications.
  • The Model 321NPPM and 421NPPM are suited for nuclear power plant environments and include noble gas compensation, plate-out proof ion chambers, and an industrial NEMA-12 enclosure.

Single-range nuclear power plant monitor, includes noble gas compensation, plate-out proof ion chambers, industrial NEMA-12 enclosure, and other features required for measuring tritium in nuclear power plant environments

Dual or quad 2L chambers, NEMA-12 wall-mount enclosure, plate-out proof ion chambers, upgraded alarm system

Cart-mounted tritium in air monitor for moving to multiple points

General purpose, cost-effective stationary tritium in air monitor
Dual 2L ion chambers, Gamma Compensated

Dual-range nuclear power plant monitor

Smart tritium air/stack monitor with fully integrated CPU, touch-screen display, and carbon-steel wall-mount enclosure
Optional totalizer feature automatically calculates total tritium release for stack monitoring

Four channel remote air sampling unit for sampling from up to 4 locations

Low-level tritium in air monitor
Quadruple 2L ion chambers arranged in a cruciform geometry provides superior sensitivity and gamma compensation

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